Mission Control

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Mission Control is a live, in-person staff training and campaign development session with Adam Ritchie. It connects the common threads between the world’s smartest marketing programs and helps teams elevate their work.

Every in-house and agency manager wants to make the most of the people they already have, and their time together. The objective behind Mission Control is to enhance your team’s idea creation capabilities. The goal is to guide their fresh understanding and energy directly into breakthrough campaigns.

Part 1: Flight Training
Marketing claims to reinvent itself with each new project, but the things that command human attention never change. Every successful campaign runs variations from a universal playbook of timeless maneuvers. Each entry is a building block which can stand on its own, or be combined with others to make something unique.

We’ll unpack these teachable marketing moves and pinpoint the unrealized connections between dozens of effective real-world campaigns. Each example is handpicked for its emphasis on earned media and its functionality across the full PESO spectrum. Staff will be trained to spot what makes a program exceptional, and how to deploy it.

Part 2: Secret Weapon
Once we’ve reverse-engineered the world’s most creative programs, the second part of the session puts Adam behind the dials with your team, applying these moves, refining your brand’s plans into signature campaigns that stand alongside the best work in the field and drawing from his decades of creating the industry’s most forward-thinking campaigns. Everyone walks out with at least one immediately implementable idea.

For in-house teams, this gives them access to an agency’s best thinking. For agency teams, this is a billable activity.

Both parts take place in the same half-day session. Attendees may include executives charged with creating a brand-defining cultural moment, managers responsible for developing the knowledge, skills and abilities of their staff, and junior employees ready to come up with the big idea that makes all the difference.

Mission Control press coverage:

  • “Crushing the myth that creativity is something you’re born with” (PRovoke)

  • “Raises teams’ idea creation capabilities and helps them assemble breakthrough campaigns” (O’Dwyer’s)

  • “Designed to open eyes and develop talent” (Bulldog Reporter)

  • “A structured and organized approach to creativity” (Canvas Rebel)

Feedback on Mission Control pilot session at MGH Marketing & Advertising in Baltimore:

  • "Helped my team step back from the minutiae of day-to-day work, think differently about how they approach their brands and gave them actionable ideas." (MGH EVP/COO)

  • "Reminded me what I love about creative marketing." (MGH attendee)

  • "I left this session feeling a new sense of energy about brands we've had for many years. The beauty of the small group portion is that we didn't have to brainstorm from a mandate. For a fully integrated team like ours, it was a reminder of how to structure ideas and envision the media integrations at the time of invention/concepting." (MGH attendee)

Feedback on Adam’s Invention in PR speaking series, presented to more than 50 universities and conferences:

  • "A master class in creative PR...awe inspiring." (PRSA national board director)

  • "This approach to problem solving was so creative, it changed the way I approach new ideas." (Content Marketing World attendee)

  • "Going in, I was pretty excited to be validated in my creative talents. Spoiler alert: I was not validated — in the best way." (PRSA International Conference attendee)

  • "Made me think about things in a new way that pushes me, and the profession, forward." (IABC World Conference attendee)

  • "My favorite speaker event all year." (Penn State attendee)

  • "Literally changing the way I think." (Brigham Young University attendee)

  • "One of the best presentations I've ever seen." (DePaul University professor)

  • "Absolutely brilliant." (S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications professor)

  • "A no holds barred approach to building campaigns that encourages professionals of all stages of experience to be more daring, more creative and more inventive in their approach to PR." (Museum of Public Relations founder)


  • Timeless marketing moves from A - Z (“Organized Creativity”)

  • Mindset

  • Permutations and alterations

  • Myths

  • Habits

  • Small group breakout sessions

  • Idea Creation with a neutral third party


Brands, agencies and organizations can request a live, in-person session here.


If a good idea can come from anywhere, let’s open the door together.