Adam Ritchie to Speak on Media Panel
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Adam will be a panelist on “New Media: Success Stories Shared,” organized by the Publicity Club of New England. The panel will consist of industry leaders sharing case studies on how they strategically implemented blogs, video, social networks, podcasts and wikis into their communications programs.

Greenable Appoints Adam Ritchie Brand Direction as AOR
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"Greenable, a green building company that offers a range of eco-friendly building materials for residential and commercial projects, formalized an AOR relationship with Boston-based Adam Ritchie Brand Direction. The agency will help build awareness for the company, handle marketing and oversee media relations in the Greater Delaware Valley." (PRWeek)

Adam Ritchie Brand Direction Selected as AOR for Changents
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"The agency has been named agency of record for Changents, an online destination that connects innovators on the front lines of social and environmental change with people who can help them. Work for Changents will involve using new media and social networks to build a grassroots following online, combined with media relations." (Bulldog Reporter)

Adam Ritchie Brand Direction Launches in Boston

"Adam Ritchie, who previously worked in the brand marketing and crisis & issues management practices at Cone Inc., launched his own independent brand communications agency. Adam Ritchie Brand Direction, based in Boston, provides marketing, media outreach, crisis management and creative development services." (BRANDWEEK) (Boston Business Journal) (Bulldog Reporter)